April 21, 2023

My success story has been published to QueryTracker! Check it out here. Also: I somehow managed to forget mentioning that RPGs were a huge influence on TSKS—Skyrim, DnD, and Runescape included.

January 19, 2023

I am SO happy to announce that I'm now represented by Laura Southern of Wolf Literary Services! Laura loved THE SMOKE KEPT SOULS for all the right reasons and I'm very grateful to have her in my court 🖤. Please prepare your futures for Nell and Eìr, dark fantasy with intricate lore, and all of the angst.

Time for acknowledgements because they're in order:

Thank you to my AMM mentors, K.M. Enright and Brittney Arena, who fell in love with my characters and helped put TSKS in queryable shape. Their vision was exactly what I needed when I had a completed MS but no idea what the hell I was doing. To my main sounding boards—Anne and Paul, in particular—I always need the honest feedback, the vampire jokes, and the chaotic brainstorming. Shout out to the Unhinged Discord, but especially Auden and Chi, for the safe space to write and find my way. I'd have no friends here without it. And thank you to my beta readers. Your support is invaluable.

You've reached the end.